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CLAIR PARIS a été créé en octobre 1990 pour représenter les collectivités locales japonaises en France.

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"Nara Jikan", un nouveau site Web de voyage et d'alimentation de Nara, au Japon

     A new travel and food website which guides you to unique destinations and lifestyle experiences in Nara, Japan. We invite you to taste the delicious strawberries, fine teas, and sophisticated sake brands of Nara City.

     The website, Nara Jikan (http://narajikan.jp/fr/) is multi-lingual, viewable in Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean and French versions. It reveals the stories behind the making of Nara’s premium quality produce, sharing the wisdom and knowledge of the local community. We introduce extraordinary food experiences, beyond that of the regular travel guidebooks.

     The monthly introductory films provide a flavor of the tranquil and beautiful scenery of Nara. As well as the recommended visits to Nara’s temples and shrines, the site encourages visitors to connect with our local produce and highly regarded brands, and to enjoy new taste sensations, from truly memorable encounters and experiences.

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